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How many tribes are there in new zealand - how many tribes are there in new zealand- New Zealand - World Directory of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples
How many tribes are there in new zealand - how many tribes are there in new zealand -
Ngatimaniapoto Number: 2, All hostile. These three chiefs are and have been active and resolute opponents of the Government. Ngatiawa Number: 1, Leading men: Honiana te Puni the E Puni of the New Zealand Company's reports: to this chief's influence it was mainly owing that the war in the Wellington Province in was brought to a close ; he has been a firm and faithful friend of the pakeha from the very first , Ropiha Moturoa, Ihaia Porutu, Wi Tako Ngatata, Wikitoa Taringakuri supposed to be one of the oldest living chiefs , W.
Taranaki Number: A considerable number professed Hauhaue. Leading men: W. Ngarongomate, Porikapa. Ngatiruanui Number: Leading men : Hone Pihama a returned rebel, and since his return a most active and trustworthy friend , Hone Wiremu, Ngatairakaunui, W.
Ngarauru Number: Mostly returned rebels. Ngatiapa Number: Rangitane Number: 4 Friendly. Muaupoko Number: Leading men: Noa te Whata, Maru to Rangimairehau.
Rangitane and Muaupoko are really sub-tribes of Ngatikahungunu, though they are spoken of as distinct tribes. Ngatikahungunu Number: 2, Te Arawa Number: 1, Kepa te Rangipuawhe, Te Wikiriwhi. Ngatiawa Number: Mostly friendly at present. Whakatohea Number: From FamilySearch Wiki. New Zealand Wiki Topics. New Zealand. Indigenous Peoples. How to Use This Guide.
Category : New Zealand. Navigation menu Personal tools English. Namespaces Page Talk. Views Read View source View history. Submit Wiki Content Report a Problem. Beginning Research. New Zealand Background.
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There are two large islands North and South and a number of smaller islands in New Zealand. Best scenic marathons Cook Strait separates them. The North Island is the most populous. It stretches from 46 to 34 degrees of latitude. It is mountainous and geologically active. The South Island has a range of high Alps. There is much fertile farm land and grazing lands. The climate is generally mild. The population is over 4 million. The Maori are Sea people. They were a tribe or federation of tribes ссылка на подробности a common origin.
They refer to ourselves as belonging to a waka canoe meaning which of the seven or so original canoes that our ancestors больше информации on from the sacred land of Havaiki. The tribal origin canoe is also the source of mana power, prestige, and land ownership and the focal point of our genealogies, because they regard all members of the tribe as descendants from our ancestral canoe crew.
The commanders of the canoes were said to be direct descendants of the gods and from them are descended the chiefs of the tribes. Some tribes have no origin canoe, yet are still thought of as waka by other tribes, afe though they only refer to themselves as iwi bones.
When tribes visit, the visitors are symbolically pulled onto the marae meeting place with the shout, Toia mai Te waka! Haul up the canoe! The universe, land, gods, men, and all living creatures are kinfolk, bound in a tangle of shared ancestry, and this is expressed in the term tangata whenua land men.
The principle that ordered the apparent chaos of plants, animals, objects, and men in the tribal world was genealogydescribed as the twining tendrils of the gourd plant with its stem tahuhu main line of descent and branches kawae subsidiary lines in one ancient metaphor Taylor and this is represented in the curving red, white, and black paintings on the underside of the ridgepole tahuhu and rafters heke descent line of the modern meeting house.
Genealogy, the main object of Maori scholarship, was an aristocratic reckoning, but it was not a simple aristocracy of birth. Iho can mean the heart, kernel, pith, essence, such as that which contains the strength of a thing, the principal person or guest, the zewland cord, a lock of hair, or being upward in a superior position.
This expresses the thought that lines of descent come down to a person like the hundred hairs on his head, bringing him power thhere his ancestors and effective force in the world. Just like the gourd plant or a tree, a descent line might flourish and thrive, or if its vital force is attacked, it might fail altogether and die. Like the plant, it is rooted in the land. The red and black vine-like designs in the wood carvings on the meeting houses are symbolic of these vines.
Many canoes came to the shores of New Zealand and Chatham Island. From нажмите чтобы увидеть больше many waka came ngati tribes and hapu or sub-tribes.
In ancient times, the names of the ancestors were taught to the eldest son or the son thers the most intelligence. The young man would be taught to recite in a special house of learning called a Whare Waananga. The young man would remain there until the older man, or Kaumatua had taught him his Whakapapaor genealogy. The Maori would use the art of wood carving to preserve our genealogical history. Each wharenui meeting house would have a carved wooden statue on the outside roof at the entrance.
This statue would be a tribal ancestor of the area where the Whare was erected. This can be a great source of research for families who belong to the Marae family gathering place because we can find out more about our main ancestor from the older people who teach at the marae. It was not uncommon to find the Whakapapa genealogy of a family carved on a pole inside their Wharenui.
The people who attended the Hui meeting would sleep by the pole where their Whakapapa was carved. This pole can give us more information about our ancestral family, if we are able to get help to interpret it.
The Kaumatua older person of the family usually had in his possession a wooden Tokotoko stick walking stick which he used as a memory aid while giving the genealogies of the family at meetings.
Because the tatai lineage is carved into the wood, the older person in the family who has the tokotoko can be very helpful for genealogical research. Another source of information about our ancestors could be Waiatas songs and chants. Ancient Maori folk sang these songs, and clues to who our forefathers are could have been preserved in them.
For example, one ancient song tells that howw ancestors came from zealqnd and huge lands joined by an ae and that on the east side and on the west the shores were lashed by great oceans of sea.
This land is Havaiki Nui. The message tells of the land of Havaiki. Genealogies of how many tribes are there in new zealand - how many tribes are there in new zealand New Zealand Maori do not always indicate the gender of zexland person named.
Legends however, can be helpful, if one knows and understands the legend. Ask Kaumatua and Kuia for help. A male or a female ancestor, in certain circumstances could have the same name. Often Waiatas songs how many tribes are there in new zealand - how many tribes are there in new zealand help determine the gender of the ancestor by the strength of the words in the song tehre tells that the person is a male and by the sweetness and flow of the words can indicate that person is a female.
Some authorities and scholars in Whakapapa disagree about the gender of certain ancestors. Early dates are estimated.
The Treaty of Waitangi is signed by Maori chieftains giving the government exclusive power to purchase Maori lands. Maori wars fail. Leaders such as Sir Apirana Ngata inspire a resurgence of spirit, and they begin to increase once again. Most government functions are carried out at a national level. For a list of sources and places where you can get читать далее information, see New Zealand Research Tips and Strategies.
From FamilySearch Wiki. New How many tribes are there in new zealand - how many tribes are there in new zealand Wiki Topics. New Zealand. Research Tips and Strategies. Maori Cultural Traits and Historical Background. How to Use This Guide.
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